Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Global Warming and Severe Weather

Day 2 .     

Scavenger Hunt ( Weather and Climate)


Task : As you watch the video share what you see think and wonder

I see . https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/1X3A-_VwRq3Qp_ZOaIrcnwUOIeIh6r-LxhIgpNOAUorDK-KYfiudbRpYqd9VscC9AOLlAj5i1Yle8GQ8CPt8KEvPzvN4Og_lNy7BvimSIAGrWuW2iH8qSqU-kG_q62EUIDWO7B-4

I think . https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/WENyRjtPMmkZFyVBAAz_oNvP9ucyT0LAG8M_4OfPtyg58myS841tRrwny0b-KTrqNtcCqIDfX1MycIpoNufwl8o2twiR1_HQN9572PKNlX3VHJCw_Lrkbz8zX621mE4qbYdokq79

I wonder . https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/OJJy1iCSMR953HCGOpBCGUZm2h8mR41LhTRnxrN__51CKf9mAwl3hHwpe39_v5h77NZYreRTBFpDuTiM3cDM7kRrtH_N--mrTNVS2JtXEvPyLPbHjS6Ah2moxXwNHM8z0aWkvV9W


Purple -  Can use a graphic organizer to organizer their ideas.

List and describe examples of severe storms, according to the video what is happening to severe weather every year ?

What would happen if there is too much warm air and water in atmosphere?

What can we do to survive these dangerous storms?

List and describe examples of severe storms, according to the video what is happening to severe weather every year ?

What would happen if there is too much warm air and water in atmosphere?

What can we do to survive these dangerous storms?

Monday, March 11, 2019

Global Warming and weather

Global Warming Video Scavenger Hunt 

Brainpop username: ps5
Password ps5

Climate Change Brainpop Video

Scavenger Hunt Questions
Purple and Red
What is happening to the Earth’s temperature?    

What is the cause ?

What is the difference between weather and climate ?

What is the Greenhouse Effect ?

What are four ways that we do to harm the Earth?

What does Global Warming do to weather?

Create a cartoon summary of what you have learned from the video.

Marine Ecologist

Marine Ecologist